The Year In E-Cigarettes - The Good The Bad The Reason For Optimism
Forbes contributor S. Satel examines the state of e-cigarettes and finds reason for optimism, despite the many attacks launched on vaping in 2015.
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A New Year Resolution - an E-cigarette Revolution
Blasting News recently featured a short opinion piece by e-cigarette advicate K. Crowley on the topic of using e-cigarettes to quit smoking. We thought this article may be of interest to our readers, especially as the New Year is almost here!
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E-Cigs Inconvenient Truth - It is Much Safer to Vape
An article published yesterday in Rolling Stone magazine offers a rare balanced overview of the current media storm surrounding e-cigarettes. The article examines several controversies related to vaping, and offers information that is usually omitted in media coverage without pandering to one side over the other.
Please click on "Read More" for the full article.
What Do You Vape - SmokTek Staff answers Part 4
Popcorn Lung disease claim linked to vaping exaggerated says cardiologist
In an article in The Rakyat Post, Dr Farsalinos weighs in on the latest media frenzy over the presence of diacetyl in e-liquid. Dr Farsalinos has also published a short post on his official scientific blog on the subject. Click here to read it.
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