Dr Farsalinos comments on recent study on the presence of metals in e-liquids

The latest wave of anti-vaping articles feature a recent study from John Hopkins School of Public Health. The study claims to have found unsafe levels of metals in e-liquids. Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, research fellow at Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center and an early researcher into the effects of vaping, comments on this most recent assault on vaping and helps put the study's results into context.

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American Cancer Society changes its position on e-cigarettes

"Some positive news from the US, as the American Cancer Society (ACS) released a statement indicating a change in attitude towards electronic cigarettes. The organization finally recognizes the research in favour of e-cigarette use for smoking cessation, and recommends that physicians support smokers who choose the devices as their preferred cessation aids."

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Public Health England re-affirms benefits of switching to Vaping

Three years after their groundbreaking review, Public Health England (PHE) has released another independent expert evidence review on the effects of vaping. Their key take-away re-affirms their initial findings from 2015: "vaping is only a small fraction of the risks of smoking and switching completely from smoking to vaping conveys substantial health benefits".

Please click on 'Read More' for a summary on PHE's main findings.
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